


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD as we know it, seems pretty common these days. If you’re wondering if you have it, here are a few signs that could point you in the right direction:

  • Persistent problems paying attention

  • Hyperactivity (usually more common in children)

  • Impulsiveness (usually more common in adults)

  • Restlessness

  • Performance issues in school or work

  • Lower self-esteem

Autism Spectrum


Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological disorder. It is referred to as being on a spectrum since it can appear in a variety of ways with a variety of people. Often, it can be misdiagnosed as someone being “too weird” or “socially awkward.” A few of the common symptoms of autism look like:

  • Avoiding eye contact

  • Rigid or repetitive actions that can interfere with social interactions

  • Sensory issues

  • Uncontrollable body movement when overwhelmed, often referred to as stemming

  • Trouble reading social cues or other people’s emotions

  • Hyperfixation on topics of interest

  • Emotional dysregulation



Anxiety is our body’s way of telling us we need to be alert about challenging situations. Usually, once the situation is over, the anxiety leaves. For some of us, it tends to linger longer than necessary and sends us into a spiral. If you feel you are experiencing some of these symptoms:

  • Excessive worry or fear

  • Difficulty controlling worrisome thoughts

  • Racing heart

  • Tension throughout your body

  • Digestion issues

  • Panic attacks

…you might have an anxiety disorder.



Depression. It’s a doozy, y’all. You probably already know if you have it, however, if you are in the beginning stages of your understanding, here are a few common symptoms to pay attention to:

  • Hopelessness

  • Loss of interest

  • Changes in appetite

  • Changes in sleep schedules

  • Irritability

  • Emotional dysregulation

  • Suicidal ideation

Depression often pairs up with other common mental health disorders like anxiety, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, among other things.

Family Issues


It’s hard to live day in and day out with someone (or multiple someones) without running into some sort of conflict. While it’s not healthy to avoid all struggles within a family, if you find yourself in a constant state of “fight or flight” because of recurring arguments surrounding:

  • Finances

  • Communication

  • Grief

  • Family dynamics

  • Marital issues

  • Parenting struggles

  • LGBTQ+ questions

…you might want to talk to the family around you and consider setting up an appointment.

Animal Assisted Therapy


Animal Assisted Therapy, or AAT, is a client centered therapy model where an animal is used to help aid the client in reaching their goals. The animal is an integral part in improving the client’s social, emotional, and cognitive functioning.

Essentially, if you feel a little overwhelmed at the idea of therapy, we add in a corgi to help ease you into the safe place we call my office.